Websites & Technology
Solutions for a connected world.
When approaching a technology project, we think holistically about your business. After all, in a connected world, nothing holds an organization back from reaching its full potential more than disconnected tech systems.
No matter what the project, we don’t treat it as a “standalone.” Whether you’re looking to develop a “calling card” website for your business, a revolutionary new web app, or just a proof of concept, we bring together all aspects of our consulting practice to help you build something that integrates technology with your marketing plans, operations, and finance objectives.
Take a simple example of a company website… Is the look and feel consistent with your brand image? Does the contact form connect with your CRM or marketing automation system, and do you have one? What can we understand about the prospective customer the moment they arrive, and are we delivering messaging that might better address their individual needs vs. a “one size fits all” approach? And when it comes to that message, is it well crafted by professional copywriters?
Here’s the advantage of working with a full-service consulting firm like Brass Ring Consulting Group: your project gets the “holistic treatment” it needs to ensure it aligns with your bigger-picture business objectives.
- Websites & Web Apps
- Custom Integrations & APIs
- E-Commerce Platforms
- Affiliate & Referral Programs
- Big Data Analytics
- Loyalty Programs
- Machine Learning & Algorithms
- Fast Web Hosting
Over the years, we’ve worked on projects for both small businesses and some of the largest global organizations. Our work connects with tens of millions of consumers. Contact us to see how we can help you.

Custom web development for e-commerce, lead generation, branding and more!
Grab the Brass Ring.
Our approach...
Every project is unique, and we tailor our approach around what’s best for your timeline, requirements, and your budget. But in general, we like to approach each project with these four steps…
Phase 1
Understanding Your Business / Product
After we've executed a confidentiality agreement, our first mission is to understand your business or product in as much depth as possible within the scope of our engagement. Regardless of the area of focus, we take a holistic approach. It's imperative that our work aligns with your business objectives, so the initial meetings are dedicated to bringing together various stakeholders to understand your big-picture plans. New Clients: take the first step with a free 60 minute consultation session!Phase 2
Scope and Project Plan
Armed with a holistic view of your business or product, Phase 2 involves defining the scope of our engagement and the project plan / timeline for the work to be completed. We'll conform to your project management style, whether "Agile" or "Waterfall" or some hybrid approach, so you know what to expect — and when to expect it.Phase 3
As we perform our work for you, expect lots of communication. We'll set up regular touch-base meetings so you have full visibility on the project as it progresses and evolves. Particularly if you wish to work with an "Agile"-style project management methodology, you'll have opportunities along the way to reshape the project on the way to completion.Phase 4
Upon completion of the project, you'll receive all working materials. We'll walk you through all of it with a retrospective meeting, so we leave no loose ends. Since your business is ever evolving, the "retro" meeting may also uncover new, previously unrecognized opportunities for business growth and might lead to further engagements.SEO MARKETING SERVICES
Apply our expertise to your needs!
Grab the Brass Ring.
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